Fiscal, Demographic, and Performance Data on California’s K-12 Schools

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New on Ed-Data

Updated Smarter Balanced/CAASPP results, graduation data, absenteeism and discipline data plus teacher salary data for 2023-24.


What's new:

2023-24 Smarter Balanced/CAASPP Test Results

You can now find new — and more extensive — data on how California's student did on the statewide Smarter Balanced tests, which are part of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). In addition to the two main graphs for English and math that enable you "drill in" to view detailed student group data by race/ethnicity, grade, gender and more, we have introduced new equity focused graphs that enable you to see the achievement gaps between student groups, for example, those who are economically disadvantaged and those who are not. These new graphs are available for foster, migrant and homeless youth as well as students with disabilities and students who were ever classified as English learners. 

CAASPP graphs and drill-ins


Find the CAASPP data in the Performance section of the student profile at the school, district, county and state level. 


Graduation, dropout rates plus A-G course taking for UC/CSU eligibility

Find graduation rates for your school or district in the College and Career Readiness section of the student profile. Here you will find detailed graphs for the number and percentage of students in the four-year adjusted cohort who graduated from high school at the end of the 2023-24 school year. You can drill into the graph for data by race/ethnicity, gender and for specific student groups.

A separate graph provides data on the number and percentage of students in the cohort who dropped out without graduating. 

Completion of the A-G courses required for admission to University of California or California State University is used as an indicator of how well students are being prepared for college. See the Cohort Graduates meeting UC/CSU Course Requirements graph for trends and detailed data on this metric. 


Chronic absenteeism rate graphChronic Absenteeism 

The overall rate of chronic absenteeism appears to be edging down from post-pandemic highs. See what's happening in your school or district overall or for a specific student group. You can drill in for more granular data by grade, race/ethnicity, gender or for specific student groups such as socioeconomically disadvantaged, homeless, migrant and foster youth, or students with disabilities. 

Data are also available at the county level and for the state as a whole. 

Chronic absenteeism data are available at the school, district, county and state level. 


Discipline data

Just over 3%, or about 198,000, of California's more than 6 million students were suspended in 2023-24. See the suspension and expulsion trends for your school, district, county and the state. As always, you can drill into the graphs for more data by student group and mouse over the graph or click the View Table Data bar to see the numbers. The Suspensions and Expulsions section also provides data on the number of actions by most serious offense category, and how many students were suspended or expelled solely for "defiance." Find the Suspensions and Explusions section here

Picture of state-level suspensions graphs